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Kinetix VP Food Grade Servo Motor

sch-product-heading-ean 5703472532820
sch-product-heading-type VPF-B1002E-PJ12AF
Supplier Rockwell
sch-product-heading-provideproduct sch-product-provide-article-s
sch-product-heading-instock In stock

sch-product-heading-sales-packaging-size 1
sch-product-heading-minimumsale 1
sch-product-heading-unit St
VPF Food Grade Servo Motors, 480V AC, 100mm Bolt Circle Frame Size, 2 (Two) Magnet Stacks, E Winding, 3300-3900 RPM Rated Speed, 18 bit Single-turn and 12 bit Multi-turn Digital High Resolution Encoder, Keyed Shaft, Single SpeedTec Din Connector, No Holding Brake, , Food Grade Shaft Seal